Some copyparty/demoparty materials this time – from the vaults of Acidchild & Bugjam, Arny, Ghost, Jugger, Lance, and Swiss Cracking Association. Included are party invitations from Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Hungary, Switzerland, and Poland. There are some really rare 1980s invitations, including copyparties that are not documented in any scene databases yet – and also some known, yet legendary ones, like the invitation flyer for the first The Party in Denmark in 1991. Following scans can be downloaded or browsed online in the gallery below:
Action Autumn Conference 1990 invitation // AWACS/RAF/Pussy Copyparty 1991 invitation // Chromance, Cerberos & Computer-Mania Copy Party (CCCCP) 1991 invitation // FCS-ECC Copyparty 1987 invitation // New Edition Copyparty 1987 invitation // NEWS-Party 1990 invitation // North Party 1997 invitation // Poison Party 1990 invitation // Shining 8 Eastern Conference 1992 invitation // Spherical Designs Party / Bocholter Copyparty series 1991 info pack // SSI Copyparty 1998 invitation // SWF Amiga-Sylvester-Panic Party 1987 invitation // Syndicate Denmark & Action 2009 Copyparty 1987 invitation // The Party 1991 invitation // The Party 1998 visitors’ brochure // Treacl & Panic Party 1991 invitation // Willow Party 2000 invitation