leZone Collection – Part 2

Here are the scans of the second batch from the collection of leZone/Marshals – mostly artefacts from 1990s and early 2000s French demoparties, as well as two diskmag votesheets:

•”Chip in Paris” votesheet (1995) [link]
• “The Charts” votesheet (1995?) [link]
• Millenium 2001 invitation [link]
• RTS 1998 invitation [link]
• Saturne 1997 invitation [link]
• Slach 1998 badge [link]
• Slach 1998 timetable [link]
• Slach 1998 welcome flyer [link]
• Slach 1999 invitation [link]
• Slach 2001 badge [link]
• Slach 2001 timetable [link]
• Synthesis 2002 flyer [link]
• VIP 2002 badge [link]
• VIP 2008 badge [link]
• Volcanic 1995 invitation [link]