Rough Archive Pt. 2

We start the New Year with a bang. The archive of C64 scener Rough had been sitting here for almost three years – until last month our heroic student assistant scanned over 400 pages in one go. With this update, we present you 269 letters by 127 individuals from 16 countries. They stem from the years between 1989 and 1998, while Rough’s most active phase was between 1989 and 1992. As a self-declared “legal swapper“, Rough had a lot of contacts within the early C64 demoscene. While they were spread over Europe and beyond (there are letters from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom), Rough’s focus laid, besides his native Germany, on Austria and Hungary. Almost all big names of the early Hungarian C64 scene are present in his papers. You can download the high resolution scans, complete with metadata, from our file archive at /swapletters/rough/ and browse this massive update in the gallery below. Here’s the list of contacts represented in this update:

Abyss, Acid Ripper, Agnus, ALF, André, Andy Capp, ANS, Art, Asterix, Bad Boy, Bird, Blue Thunder, Böög, Cancer, Captain Freedom, Chris, Columbus, Cone, Creb, Crime De’Sign, Crossfire, Cruiser, Damien, Dash, Dean, Defjay, Dense, Design, Donatello, Dr. Loot, Duff’90, Exorcist, Falcon, Firefox, Flat, Frank, Frankieghost, Freddy, Fresh, Gabriel, Gazer, Gazza, Goofy, Great, Greg, Gyozo Lee, Hawkeye, Hornet, I.S.M., Ice a.k.a. Heathcliff, Ice-T, Icon, Ivory, Jayce, Jazzy D, Jesus Priest, Joachim, Macho, Mad Butcher, Mad, Major-X, Manchild, MCI, Merlin (NL), Merlin (SE), MMC, Mnemoth, Modesty, Moren, Mr. Perfect, Mr. Wax, Neutron, Nobody, Nothingface, Overlander, Oxygene, Painkiller, Panther, Paradox & Abyss, Play Power, Ratman, Ray, Razor, Rebel, Rune, Satan, Scanner, Scorpie, Scummkid, Slayer, Slime, Spectator, Spook, Starkiller, Steve, Storm, Stranger, Sunny, Syllinor, T.C.B.O., T.E.H., TCH, TDP, Tech, Teen, Terminator X, TG-Acme, Thomas, Thunderhawk, TMN, Tom, Toobin a.k.a. Flatline, Topic, Tornado, Toy, Trident, Trigger, Twilight, Ultrafox, Vigo, Warlock, Whisp, Wildcat, Xerx, Yeyus, Zixmon